Did I Really Manifest A Sleepless Summer?

If you follow me on IG, you have probably seen this post.

Well, I have to admit, I didn’t mean it literally.

Let’s get into how speaking things into existence works.


I was furloughed back in September; due to the layoff, I could not do my yearly qualification that would have taken place in October. My last day working was September 30, 2020. However, the airlines received payroll protection from the government, which allowed them to bring us back in January. Although employed, we still had to participate in the hurry-up-and-wait game the airlines are famous for. That meant waiting an additional 3 1/2 months before qualification would take place and before I could fly again.

I currently live in Texas, but I work in San Francisco. While in San Francisco, I live in a hotel and opt-out of getting a crashpad this year. Now that I am back working, I fly nearly 4 hours commuting to work, and I live an hour away from IAH airport. I’m sure this might sound odd, but it is popular in this field. I’m probably in Houston and San Francisco about 3-6 days a month. If there is a way to make life more complicated, ya girl got it covered.

I’m sure you’ve noticed life has been a whirlwind of work, celebrations, and whatever I can get into these days. Plenty of nights and days that I’m not even sure how I’m even functioning with a lack of sleep. But I said no sleep, right? I guess so.

How It’s Going

Not even a month after creating that reel, it was time to go back to work. I was beyond ecstatic about working and ready to hit the ground running and work my ass off. To put things in perspective, for July, I worked 105.46 flight hours, 60.40 company time, and 44.66 on my own time. That’s only the number of flight hours; oh, did I mention most trips were overnight? That does not include our check-in time, changing flights, or idle time at the airport before our next flight. Many of you think 105 hours a month is not so bad. However, 105 hours is what I’m getting paid for, but these are 8-12hours of workdays. I will go more in-depth in a later video.

I also managed trips home, a girls’ trip to Turks and Caicos, and a day trip to DC, and I spent quality time with family, all while working. Do I even have to tell you? Sis is tired!

Moving Forward

I soon had to ask myself, at what cost is it worth it?? My answer? Summer was a good time! However, it’s time to manifest some sleep and relaxation. Manifesting sleepless nights wasn’t supposed to be in the cards this summer. I realized this it was time to put a new plan into action. I know it is not healthy to function this way.

As of this day, I am manifesting a new plan! My blog will reach more people. The content will keep flowing, and I will connect with you guys more personally. I will continue to travel, enjoy and indulge in the life I am creating for myself. I will also prioritize my health and nurture healthy habits, with sleep at the top of that list. Also, doing more yoga on the days when the gym is out of reach.

I am manifesting a simple and fulfilling life. So make sure you speak kind, delicate, and strengthening words, affirmations, and goals into your life. Rest is needed when you want to succeed at everything. Functionality is the prime of your existence when you are competing with yourself. It doesn’t mean I’m no longer coming for everything I am owed. It just means I’m working smarter to obtain them.

How are you speaking to yourself these days? Do you know the minor things you say can impact your action? What are you doing to make sure these are positive words of action? Comment below, and don’t forget to tell me how your summer went!


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