Four ways to master goals in the New Year.

Starting the year off with New Year, New Me sounds so cliché, but I get it. It creates motivation and inspiration and allows you to dream of becoming better. New Year, New Me, takes preparation, but it’s possible by setting the right goals and mastering them. So much can happen in one week, one month, six months, etc.; if you take action, you will reach your goals!

As I write this, I am proud to say I set many goals in 2018 and accomplished most of them. I stepped out of my comfort zone 2018 to push myself to new heights. In 2019, I plan on doing the same by knocking out new goals. This year I am saying, New Year, BRAVE ME! Here are the four things I am doing to help me stay focused.

Create a Vision Board

Make sure it’s practical. Create a vision board that inspires you mentally, physically, and spiritually. Do more of that vacation you’ve always wanted the mood you want to encompass, and the goals you wish to obtain. Ask yourself, how does this add value to my life? Once you can pinpoint your values, place them on the board. Focus on what feels good to your spirit, the importance of family, self-love, health, and wealth. Often we need daily reminders to drive us to the next level. However, all goals are obtainable. Don’t forget to make the necessary arrangements to set and maintain your budget. Once you complete your vision board, place it somewhere you’ll see it every day, reflect on it, smile at it, and accomplish it all!


The pillar of life is movement. It’s essential to adopt exercise in your daily lifestyle. Exercising can spark the imagination, assist in reinvention, and aid in relieving stress, promoting more self-love. Exercising releases endorphins that can turn a bad day into an amazing one. Make the time to shift towards the life you want to create through movement. Pilates, yoga, and cardio are good sources for beginners in the exercise realm. Download an App or buy a DVD if you want something to do at home. Aaptiv is an excellent start for a meager cost (and one of my favorites and something I use daily.) Of course, there are always gym memberships, personal trainers, boot camps, and more. Find whatever works for you, make the time, and finish it!


Growth takes time, patience, and hard work! Life is full of unanswered questions. Is it really up to you to seek all those answers? Umm….yes!. Seek the good, the bad, and the ugly, and allow yourself to grow from them. Use them as weapons to enhance your flaws, showcase them on a pedestal, and scream them to the world. Because, dammit, without them, you would never know what Growth looks like. Focus on the here and now, and “just do it.” In the words of Shanda Rimes, “Be a Doer, Not a Dreamer.” Growth requires action, and the future you envision will become more apparent over time.

Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is the key to success. For some, a positive attitude is natural; for others, it can be hard work. However, we can all get there. It can turn a bad situation into a “lit-tuation” at any second.  Your attitude shows your strength and maturity. It reflects how you see the world and people. Many things can alter your mood if you let it. If something gets you down at any moment, make a mental note and evaluate it later. Don’t let it alter your perception of life. The lack of discernment could ultimately hinder your vision and block you from seeing your blessings. Remember not to make other people’s problems your own. Know that you can’t fix every bad situation, but there is always a lesson to be learned.

 Accomplish your Goals in 3.2.1

Now 2019 is here, so what are you waiting for? I have already started and am excited about this new journey. Have you started working on your goals? What are you doing to execute them? Comment below and let me know your goals and what you do to make them flourish in 2019!


Accomplish your Goals in 3.2.1…


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